Real Estate Law Attorneys
One of the first steps in establishing or expanding a business involves the purchase of commercial real estate. The process of buying business properties is highly complex. Issues with environmental agencies and city, county and state government entities may arise. Most business owners are not equipped to navigate through a process so complex and legal representation is vital.
Lawrenceville Lawyers With Hands-On Experience In Real Estate Law
In the buying and selling of commercial real estate, different industries have different requirements. A large part of our commercial real estate practice involves representing business owners opening convenience stores.
While similarities exist with other industries, specifically buy-sell agreements and variance/zoning issues, major concerns revolve around petroleum sales. Environmental issues/concerns become prominent when underground storage tanks and gas pumps are part of the property.
At Mills & Hoopes, LLC - Attorneys at Law, we believe that your success is our success. Regardless of your industry, we devote the same resources toward ensuring a successful real estate transaction. A smooth and efficient process helps you to not only close on your property sooner, but also launch your business operations.
Conversely, when a business closes and the property must be sold, we continue to attend to every detail and pursue the best outcome while minimizing losses.
Contact Mills & Hoopes, LLC – Attorneys At Law For A Free Consultation
Contact an experienced Lawrenceville commercial real estate attorney for a free initial consultation by calling 678-373-4220 or 800-439-6861. You can also reach us via our intake form.
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